The Marine Corps, recognizing the importance of horses for many different reasons, has built
very nice horse facilities on both coasts for the stabling of service members horses as well as for
therapeutic horsemanship for wounded Marines, and running education programs such as
Vet Tech courses and Horseshoeing program for veterans. The Army, perhaps having a harder time with funding, has taken the reverse
course, and in some cases, closing down horse stables on military installations which force service
members with horses to find local stables for their horses. I managed the last horse stables on
Fort Bliss, closing it down in February 2007.
The story below came out in
USA Today about the U.S. Marine Corps Packing Course and U.S.
Army Special Forces soldiers (Green Berets) participating in the training. Actually, military pack
animal training has been on-going for quite some time. In the 1970's and 1980's, it was common for Army Special Forces units
to send "A" detachments to commercial pack animal schools or contracting guide services to run pack
Around 1987, the 5th Special Forces Group, at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, started up the 3 week
Special Operations Animal Packing (SOAP) Course dedicating full time instructors which trained
not only Special Forces team but other military units in animal packing not limited to Horses and
Mules. Packing on llamas, dogs, goats and elephants was also taught under the supervision of
Master Sergeant Larry Jones. The picture at right is MSG Jones with a sawbuck pack saddle.
Special Operations Animal Packing Course spurred developent of modified Decker pack saddles,
and packing techniques suitable for the loads and special equipment for Special Forces
operations, as well as re-writing Field Manual 31-27, Pack Animals in support of Special
Operations (Officially released in 2000).
After the initial U.S. invasion of Afghanistan following the 9-11 attacks, Army Special Forces team
would rotate through Fort Bliss-El Paso Texas area to train in the desert and mountainous
environment prior to deploying to Southwest Asia. Sometimes these deployments to Afghanistan
would place an "A" detachment in remote areas where vehicles were sometimes impractical or
not available, but Afghani horses were. I was asked to train several teams in horsemanship, so I
developed what I called a Functional Horsemanship course for these teams, attempting to make
them safe and operable with horses in a very short amount of time.
New horsepower for war zones: Special Forces saddle up
The men emerged over the crest of a ridge and guided their horses along a tree line, skirting a
wide meadow. They picked their way along narrow trails, climbing higher into the Sierra until a
panorama of snowcapped peaks and a broad green valley unfolded beneath them.
The men, Special Forces soldiers dressed in jeans and other civilian clothes, led their horses into
a thick stand of pine trees, where they dismounted and let the horses drink from a clear
mountain stream before breaking out their own rations.
At this remote training area high in the Sierra, the U.S. Marine Corps is reviving the horsemanship
skills that were once a key part of the nation's armed forces but were cast aside when tanks and
armored vehicles replaced them. The need to bring these skills back was driven home in
Afghanistan in 2001, when the first Special Forces soldiers to arrive found themselves fighting on
horseback alongside tribesmen in rugged terrain without roads. Many had never ridden a horse
"We don't want to reinvent anything," said Marine Capt. Seth Miller, the officer in charge of formal
schools at the Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center. "These are skills that were lost."
Marine instructors are teaching the students, most of them Army Special Forces soldiers, how to
control horses, care for them and load packs. The students are taught how to calculate routes
and distances for rides and what to look for when purchasing horses from locals. For example,
checking teeth is a good way to determine age and avoid getting ripped off by a farmer trying to
pass off an ancient mule or horse.
In a throwback to the old Wild West days, instructors are considering training soldiers in how to
shoot from a moving horse.
No one is talking about bringing back the cavalry, but horses are an effective way for Special
Forces and other small units to move around the battlefield, instructors said. They can travel long
distances quietly and don't require the gasoline and massive logistics trains that encumber
motorized forces.
For all its advantages in technology, the U.S. military has been dragged into the most primitive of
fights in Iraq and Afghanistan, driving home the point that technology isn't always the
"We get caught up with what's new and high-speed," Miller said.
On a recent morning, 13 students packed their mules and horses shortly after sunrise at base
camp, preparing for a 14-mile ride that would take them high into the Sierra, mountains that
were familiar to gold prospectors more than a century ago. Students ride a total of about 110
miles during the 16-day course.
"My butt's going to be sore," said Air Force Tech Sgt. Jeryd Leuck, who specializes in search-and-
rescue operations, as he prepared to mount his horse, Chesty. Leuck said that before he started
the course, his only equestrian experience was a childhood pony ride.
The students mounted horses and picked their way up a steep, shrub-covered slope that would
take them out of the base camp. Six mules were part of the patrol.
The animals are remarkably efficient. Mules can carry several hundred pounds and walk up to 55
miles a day, requiring nothing more than grass and water. If required, they can survive several
days without water and longer without food. They have no problem climbing to heights of more
than 10,000 feet, at altitudes where some helicopters struggle because of a lack of lift.
"This has been proven to work," said Marine Maj. Sven Jensen, operations officer for the training
center, pointing to a group of men resting by their horses and mules as sunlight streamed
through the trees. "This has worked for the last 3,000 years."
The Marines Corps, which takes an almost perverse pride in a Spartan lifestyle and a fondness
for low-technology solutions, has offered a mule-packing course here since the 1980s. It
launched the horsemanship training about three years ago after receiving requests from Army
Special Forces soldiers.
It's the only such course in the U.S. military, and demand is high.
USA TODAY was allowed unlimited access to observe training as long as it didn't identify by name
or photograph the faces of the Special Forces soldiers taking the course. Because they sometimes
conduct covert missions, Special Forces soldiers typically request they not be identified
The only requirement for students is that they are part of the special operations community,
since they would have the most use for the training.
Tony Parkhurst, director of the horsemanship and mule packing course, built the curriculum by
delving into old cavalry manuals and studying American Indian tactics and techniques. The
equestrian sports of today, such as dressage or jumping, are too specialized to be of much use to
the military. Instead, Parkhurst studied procedures that were popular when horses were used for
transportation and plowing fields.
"The Indians were actually better than our cavalry," Parkhurst said. "They were phenomenal
guerrilla fighters."
Cavalry officers in the 1800s had to calculate things such as how far horses could march, how
much food they consumed and how best to pack them with equipment and weapons.
The pack saddle used for mules here would be recognized by Genghis Khan's army, Parkhurst
The Marines have stopped at nothing in an effort to recapture the skills lost when the military
turned to mechanized warfare.
Not many people know how to shoot from a moving horse these days, so the Marines turned to
Annie Bianco, who goes by the name Outlaw Annie and is a leading practitioner of the small but
growing sport of cowboy mounted shooting. She fires a six-shooter at targets from a galloping
horse. A couple of instructors from the training center visited her ranch in Arizona.
Bianco knows how to desensitize horses to the sound of gunfire. "Horses are flighty animals," she
said. "Their first response from gunfire is to try and get away from it."
What instructors have discovered is the horses of today are softer than their ancestors, who
plowed fields and carried riders over vast distances. "We've bred them and made them more
athletic over time," Bianco said. "That's made it more difficult to find the well-rounded horse."
Most of the horses used at the course are former mustangs, or wild horses, trained by inmates in
the Northern Nevada Correctional Center. They are both well-rounded and cheap.
Although the Pentagon is turning back to age-old battlefield techniques, it is hardly giving up on
technology. In fact, it's trying to make a robotic version of the mule. The $62 million program is
called the LS3, or legged squad support system, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency describes it as a "highly mobile, semiautonomous legged robot."
The Pentagon consulted with some of the instructors here to learn more about real mules. The
instructors seem skeptical that technology can improve much on the real thing. Parkhurst said, "I
can buy a whole load of mules for $60 million."