Monday, August 19, 2013

Does Mecate Reins Affecting Balance of the Bit?

I received this question on the balance of a bit when using Mecate reins: "(I was) wondering about balance in the bit with one side having two weights of reins vs. the other with just a rein. Do you add a heavier knot/slobber strap on the side that doesn't have the get down rope?"

I'm sure there is a difference in weight coming off the bit ring or shank when using mecate reins, however I think it is pretty minimal and I don't think the balance is effected enough, as you will be using slobber straps so the weight of the slobber strap with the attached rein will be hanging off the bit ring or shank.

You asked if you can add a knot on the the off side to balance any weight difference. I don't see why not a knot (sorry couldn't resist that pun) but it is also common to see a shoo fly braided into the end of the mecate reins on the off side. On the picture of one of my horses with a snaffle bit, slober straps and a mectate eins, you see I have a little bit extra rope on the off side.
This wasn't done to balance the weight on the bit, it was for adjusting the entire mecate, from what I use for a continous rein and what length I like for the lead rope

As you use the mecate reins, the lead rope (or the get down rope portion) of the mecate rein will be suspended but secured at the free end, either to your saddle horn, through your belt, or coiled and tied to saddle strings. The lead rope (get down rope) should be loose (not taunt) so it should not be pulling on the bit.

The rider is going to handling the mecate reins therefore some of the weight on the reins is going to be taken up with this contact. Some of the weight of the bit is going to taken up by the horse's tongue as well. Again, I don't think balance this much of an issue. I cannot remember riding a horse in a mecate where the horse was verring to the left when loping on a loose rein.

Some people just don't like to use a mecate because of the additional rope (lead line portion) that they have to keep track of. An option here would be to ride with a small halter under the bridle with the halter lead line coiled and tied to the saddle strings. You could also use a get down rope that is tied fairly loosely around the horse's neck with the lead again coiled and tied to the saddle strings. Of course, this will negate one of the features of a mecate's lead tucked into your belt where if you come off the horse unexpectedly you would have a line to your horse to keep him from running off if he had a mind to. Just be sure to "S" roll your mecate lead or get down rope and tuck it into your belt so if you do come off your horse the rope will come out of your belt so you won't get drug if you can't get ahold of it quick enough.

Hopes this help. Safe Journey to you.

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