Saturday, June 16, 2012

For The Love Of A Horse - Horse Rescue

I have never heard of this organization, For The Love Of A Horse (FTLOAH), until a recent newspaper article caught my eye. This organization is based in Roswell, Georgia and is a registered non-profit 501(c)(3), tax-exempt organization of volunteers dedicated to the resuce and rehabilitation of horses specifically having critcial care needs who would otherwise be euthanized.

As if caring for abused, neglected and sick horses is not enough, this organization has a "horses healing humans" outreach program visting the elderly and children.  We all know that the outside of a horse is good for the inside of a person, and FTLOAH is putting it into practice. 

One of the rescue stories is a miniature paint pony named Bishop where the previous owners, trying to cut costs, tied Bishop to a tree while they gelded him without anesthesia. Bishop ripped away from the tree in pain severing his ear and part of his lip in the process. If I found found someone doing that, I think I would whip them raw with my lariat then drag them a few miles through cactus,.....people who mistreat animals are a disgrace to the human race.

Anyway, for anyone looking for charitable cause, FTLOAH accepts donations, fact needs donations, order to help these horses. Donations link is accessible through their website, you also "like" them on Facebook.

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