Friday, September 15, 2023

National Day of the Cowgirl - September 15th

The National Day of the Cowgirl was created in November 2021 by Durango Boot Company, according to the National Day Archives, to take place every September 15th. Created to celebrate to the spirit, wisdom, strength and resiliency of the American Cowgirl, these are the women, known and unknown, who raise and tend livestock (and families for that matter), rodeo for a living or just for fun, or those who simply live the Western life of self responsibility, independence, integrity and will.

If a woman was writing this she would likely include those women who clean up the messes and fix the mistakes that men make - that would be true and accurate. And would probably agree that raising girls on horseback, respecting people and animals alike, and teaching them to rely on themselves and not be dependent upon men, is the best way to ensure the American Cowgirl continues to exist.  So let people know about this day so it can continue to grow in popularity. 

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